John W's mystical power
(too old to reply)
Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:27:32 UTC
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On 1 Aug 2006 18:43:29 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
On 1 Aug 2006 15:17:04 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
You have also missed the part where Jesus said,
"This is My Body, This Is My Blood, Do this.."
Couldn't be any clearer, but yet when You read that
passage, you don't see it.
What part of SYMBOLIC don't you understand?
Jesus made it very clear that He meant what He said,
"This IS My Body."
Actually, He didn't!
Because, AFTER He SAID, "This is my body, this is my blood", He THEN
said, "so every time you eat this BREAD, and drink this CUP..."
meaning, you believe what you WANT to believe, and what you are TOLD
to believe!
I could list a DOZEN things He said and MEANT, but you IGNORE those
And, I continue to have a question, which ALL Roman Catholics AVOID.
If He TRULY wanted us to eat His flesh, and drink His actual blood,
why didn't He rip an arm off, roast it, feed it to the apostles, and
grow a new one?
Maybe He couldn't!
Why didn't He use a sharp rock to open a vein, and give them His
Why was He reduced to MAGIC?
But what about the mystical power you said comes from baptism? You believe
in magic too.
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Jesus was so committed to immersion baptism that John 3 says upon
being baptized by John, Jesus then took His followers to another part
of the river, and Jesus baptized them as He had been baptized (thereby
establishing a chain of authority). Jesus was baptized (and some form
of mystical power was transferred or bestowed upon Him -- in this
simple act of obedience) Jesus then TRANSFERS or BESTOWS that same
mystical power on His disciples by baptizing the first of them.
Thereby, the Christ was baptized, then baptized, then those whom He
baptized baptized others, and the "mystical power" was transferred
from Christ-- through the apostles-- to His followers.
Those who refuse immersion end up being sprinkled by others who
refused, and that line of mystical power is LOST.
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:28:35 UTC
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On 1 Aug 2006 15:17:04 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
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On 1 Aug 2006 07:20:23 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
1. Protest_ants are very foolish. Why does one need to be
physically in Rome
to be Bishop of Rome in 33AD or thereabouts.
2. Biblical scholar research confirms Peter was in Rome.
I don't know exactly how to interpret the above statements. Probably
the writer is a Jesuit.
God revealed His Catholic Church for the world, not
only for Jesuits. Peter is part of the biblical truth.
Ummmmmmmm.... I believe you're lost. Probably a wrong turn somewhere
That turn is the Catholic Church, and if you call God the wrong
turn, that is very sad.
He is saying anything to try and confuse the
One doesn't have to be a Jesuit to read the Bible
to know the truth, which is that God established the
Catholic church.
you crack me up!
I have read the New Testament at least 10 times so far,
You have also missed the part where Jesus said,
"This is My Body, This Is My Blood, Do this.."
Couldn't be any clearer, but yet when You read that
passage, you don't see it.
I have explained THIS one a gazillion times.
Sincere Bible students (which leaves YOU out), don't point at one text
and say, "SEE?"
Because they EMBARRASS themselves!
Then why do you do that?

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:29:16 UTC
"God established the Catholic Church for All"
On 2 Aug 2006 07:53:36 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
So says another well-brainwashed poopist!
I am a convert from one of the Baptist churches; the
truth is found in the Catholic church which Jesus established
2000 years ago.
Welcome home!

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:31:27 UTC
There has been some discussion in these newsgroups over whether Peter
was the first "Pope". To help clarify the matter, the enclose these
pages from the site www.historicist.com
Surely we don't have to read 100 pages of turgid bs in order to find a
point to this?
Another key to ignorance is for one to refuse to investigate truth
that sheds light exposing their cherished suppressions and errors.
Just like you refuse to discuss biblical evidence when it is presented to
you. You won't discuss the law. You won't discuss the Sabbath. All you do
is quote newspaper clippings, when they suit your dishonest agenda.

Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:32:53 UTC
Surely we don't have to read 100 pages of turgid bs in order to find
point to this?
Another key to ignorance is for one to refuse to investigate truth
that sheds light exposing their cherished suppressions and errors.
You have just condemned yourself - good work.
No because I read it. You testified that you did not.
Listen you stupid punk. The only things that you read are things that are
anti-Catholic and you believe them without investigation.
Newspaper clippings. And he backs away from any discussion that actually
deals with the biblical facts that disagree with his church, and spends his
time telling lies about others and their beliefs.


God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-02 20:34:32 UTC
I am not of those hwo claim Peter never set foot in Rome.
He WAS indeed in Rome, and was held prisoner there.
He was never a popoe, and he WAS executed in Romae.
NOspam, why don't you read the whole article. You'll see it was
impossible for Peter ever to have been in Rome.
All the evidence is against that idea. The Armstrong-derived groups called
the Churches of God have a lot of propaganda, but that's all it is.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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2006-08-02 22:38:37 UTC
Post by Stephen Korsman
But what about the mystical power you said comes from baptism? You believe
in magic too.
I just had a bath

It was magic too
2006-08-03 01:57:47 UTC
Post by Bree
Post by Stephen Korsman
But what about the mystical power you said comes from baptism? You believe
in magic too.
I just had a bath
It was magic too
Was it with a member of the opposite sex?
If so did you get it together?

Stephen Korsman
2006-08-03 17:00:21 UTC
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On Wed, 2 Aug 2006 22:27:32 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
Post by Stephen Korsman
x-no-archive: yes
On 1 Aug 2006 18:43:29 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
On 1 Aug 2006 15:17:04 -0700, "God established the Catholic Church for
You have also missed the part where Jesus said,
"This is My Body, This Is My Blood, Do this.."
Couldn't be any clearer, but yet when You read that
passage, you don't see it.
What part of SYMBOLIC don't you understand?
Jesus made it very clear that He meant what He said,
"This IS My Body."
Actually, He didn't!
Because, AFTER He SAID, "This is my body, this is my blood", He THEN
said, "so every time you eat this BREAD, and drink this CUP..."
meaning, you believe what you WANT to believe, and what you are TOLD
to believe!
I could list a DOZEN things He said and MEANT, but you IGNORE those
And, I continue to have a question, which ALL Roman Catholics AVOID.
If He TRULY wanted us to eat His flesh, and drink His actual blood,
why didn't He rip an arm off, roast it, feed it to the apostles, and
grow a new one?
Maybe He couldn't!
Why didn't He use a sharp rock to open a vein, and give them His
Why was He reduced to MAGIC?
But what about the mystical power you said comes from baptism? You believe
in magic too.
I was using the term "magic" here in a negative way.
There is nothing negative or "magical" (sleight of hand) or occult
about baptism.
There is something mystical, though, you tell us. A mystical power. Yours
is mystical power, ours is magic ... so saith John W.
When I referred to the "mystical power" of immersion baptism, I didn't
mean that some "mysterious process one can OBSERVE" takes place, as
would happen with the transformation of bread into "His actual flesh."
You once again demonstrate ignorance of Catholic teaching.
I also find MUCH less mysticism in the Christian / and specifically
the Baptist churches than I find in the Roman perversion.
Pity ... they could use it.
The REAL MAGIC of chanting the mantra of the Rosary, for example, has
been DEMONSTRATED to cause self-hypnosis (one of the reasons the
demons inspired the monks to REQUIRE Roman Catholics to chant the
mantra of the Rosary).
Huh? In your church, maybe.
(you Roman Catholics are not the ONLY "Christians" to claim an
unbroken line of succession of FAITH from the apostles to today.)
No, the Baptists claim that too. All nonsense, of course. John the
Post by Stephen Korsman
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Jesus was so committed to immersion baptism that John 3 says upon
being baptized by John, Jesus then took His followers to another part
of the river, and Jesus baptized them as He had been baptized (thereby
establishing a chain of authority). Jesus was baptized (and some form
of mystical power was transferred or bestowed upon Him -- in this
simple act of obedience) Jesus then TRANSFERS or BESTOWS that same
mystical power on His disciples by baptizing the first of them.
Thereby, the Christ was baptized, then baptized, then those whom He
baptized baptized others, and the "mystical power" was transferred
from Christ-- through the apostles-- to His followers.
Those who refuse immersion end up being sprinkled by others who
refused, and that line of mystical power is LOST.
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-08-04 19:06:29 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 07:07:01 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
x-no-archive: yes
On Thu, 3 Aug 2006 19:00:21 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
x-no-archive: yes
On Wed, 2 Aug 2006 22:27:32 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
Post by Stephen Korsman
x-no-archive: yes
On 1 Aug 2006 18:43:29 -0700, "God established the Catholic
Post by Stephen Korsman
© 2006 John Weatherly; all rights reserved; no portion of this
article may be used elsewhere without express written consent of the
On 1 Aug 2006 15:17:04 -0700, "God established the Catholic
Post by Stephen Korsman
You have also missed the part where Jesus said,
"This is My Body, This Is My Blood, Do this.."
Couldn't be any clearer, but yet when You read that
passage, you don't see it.
What part of SYMBOLIC don't you understand?
Jesus made it very clear that He meant what He said,
"This IS My Body."
Actually, He didn't!
Because, AFTER He SAID, "This is my body, this is my blood", He THEN
said, "so every time you eat this BREAD, and drink this CUP..."
meaning, you believe what you WANT to believe, and what you are TOLD
to believe!
I could list a DOZEN things He said and MEANT, but you IGNORE those
And, I continue to have a question, which ALL Roman Catholics AVOID.
If He TRULY wanted us to eat His flesh, and drink His actual blood,
why didn't He rip an arm off, roast it, feed it to the apostles, and
grow a new one?
Maybe He couldn't!
Why didn't He use a sharp rock to open a vein, and give them His
Why was He reduced to MAGIC?
But what about the mystical power you said comes from baptism? You
Post by Stephen Korsman
in magic too.
Sad. YOU see no difference between the words "mystical", and "magic."
tsk tsk
The problem is that you use them incorrectly.
The discernment we get from the Holy Spirit, where is that?
You have NONE!
A first year Bible student who has the Holy Spirit guiding him has
more spiritual understanding than you do, Steve!
And all the first year students who have the Holy Spirit telling them
contradicting things have more understanding?
Hmm ... I doubt it's the Holy Spirit.
I was using the term "magic" here in a negative way.
There is nothing negative or "magical" (sleight of hand) or occult
about baptism.
There is something mystical, though, you tell us. A mystical power.
is mystical power, ours is magic ... so saith John W.
AGAIN, Steve, I see utterly NOTHING to be gained from this
Then don't waste your time.
You simply do not give one single inch. I have in the past few weeks
conceded SEVERAL points. IN the past YEAR, I believe you have conceded
one TINY one.
I do not bow to your idols.
No, Steve, you bow to YOUR idols!
I don't have idols. You know that. Hatred doesn't let you admit it.
And-- for the record-- dumbass LIAR--
That's your legacy, not mine.
I don't have any idols in my
That's not what it looks like here.

Now it's time to killfile you ... you've gotten tiresome with your lies and

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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