Ellen White "Inspired"
(too old to reply)
Stephen Korsman
2006-06-16 16:11:19 UTC
God loves you and can deliver you from all that
separates you from Him, through the merits of
the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of
the Most High God, our Savior and Lord.
Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants believe that. We don't need Ellen
White, 1844 theories, the Sabbath. But when the truth gets attacked by by
those who want to misrepresent other faiths in a dishonest way, showing that
those groups are really in error is not unjustified.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Stephen Korsman
2006-06-20 18:16:31 UTC
Post by Stephen Korsman
We don't need Ellen
White, 1844 theories, the Sabbath. But when the truth gets attacked by by
those who want to misrepresent other faiths in a dishonest way, showing that
those groups are really in error is not unjustified.
Dear Stephen,
The Sabbath is in the Bible
For Jews, not Christians. See
http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/sabbathinnt.html and
and 1844 is also in the Bible. Both are
very important.
1844 isn't in the Bible, except for chapters 18 that contain verse 44.
The Sabbath is the true Holy Day given by God himself at the very
beginning, as opposed to the first day of the week which was invented
by the Roman Catholic Church to make it easier for them to draw in the
pagan Romans, who were used to the day honouring the day of the sun.
The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges that it alone is responsible for
Sunday, and that the day has no Biblical authority.
The Catholic Church acknowledges that it was the Apostles who changed the
day. When the newspaper clippings and other unofficial sources (sources
that do not officially define Catholic teaching) you might have seen use the
term Catholic Church in the context of who began Sunday observance, it must
be understood that Catholicism believes that Apostles were Catholic.
Whether you agree with that or not is not the issue - to understand the
claims by unofficial sources, you need to interpret them correctly.

The Catechism of the Council of Trent says:

"The Jewish Sabbath Changed To Sunday By The Apostles

"The Apostles therefore resolved to consecrate the first day of the week to
the divine worship, and called it the Lord's day. St. John in the Apocalypse
makes mention of the Lord's day; and the Apostle commands collections to be
made on the first day of the week, that is, according to the interpretation
of St. Chrysostom, on the Lord's day. From all this we learn that even then
the Lord's day was kept holy in the Church."

HH Pope John Paul II said something similar in Dies Domini.
Sabbath is surely far preferable to a day that was invented by the
Roman Catholic Church.
The date of 1844 is also in the Bible.
If you read Daniel 8:14 you will see that: "Unto 2300 days, then will
the sanctuary be cleansed". In Bible prophecy a day represents a year.
That is accepted by all churches, including the Roman Catholic Church.
In other words, 2300 years after some start, the sanctuary in heaven
will be cleansed. We know that it is the sanctuary in heaven because
the earthly one was in ruins after being wrecked and destroyed by King
If we now go to Daniel 9:25, we can discover the start date: "Know
therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment
to restore and to build Jerusalem..." In other words 2300 years after
the command to restore and build Jerusalem, both the Jews would be
given their 70 weeks (490 years) and the world would be given its 2300
The order to restore and build Jerusalem was given in 457BC, and adding
2300 years to that date brings us up to 1844.
To reach such a conclusion, huge liberties need to be taken with the text.
Even modern Adventist scholars high up in the General Conference admit that
it's a contortion.

And Whazit Tooyah already pointed out that Ellen White was wrong about the
date 457 AD.

More mangled dates - http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/3horns.html
So we see that both the Sabbath and 1844 are in the Bible. They are
there because they are very important to our Lord and God. They should
be important to us also.
Even Ellen White is in the Bible, if you will accept that. In 1Thess
5:20 we are told not to despise prophesying, although I will concede
that you will need to be persuaded of Ellen White's veracity before you
will accept her prophesying.
She failed the test on numerous counts. Contradicting the Bible, prophecies
that failed, along with utter nonsense about black people being animal/human
halfbreeds, masturbation causing tuberculosis, piano tuning causing
insanity, etc.

For more I suggest you read www.ellenwhite.org.

I'm off for a while now ... probably won't be back on the newsgroups for a
week at least, hopefully longer.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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2006-06-20 21:55:18 UTC
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Catholic Church acknowledges that it was the Apostles who changed the
day. When the newspaper clippings and other unofficial sources (sources
that do not officially define Catholic teaching) you might have seen use the
term Catholic Church in the context of who began Sunday observance, it must
be understood that Catholicism believes that Apostles were Catholic.


I still maintain that this entire Saturday Sabbath debate can be answered
very simply: there's no command that the "Sabbath" must be celebrated on a
Saturday!! Very Simple! The original command was "work 6 days and rest on
the 7th...." Nothing about a Saturday.

Again, despite all the paragraphs and technical dialog, it's that clear:
Saturday was never in the commandment. Saturday was just a day the Jews
used for their purposes.

SDAs and others just want to justify their religion with strawman arguments,
and their purpose in life: to bash Catholics. A hell of a life!

•R L Measures
2006-06-20 23:54:24 UTC
Post by LoneStar
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Catholic Church acknowledges that it was the Apostles who changed the
day. When the newspaper clippings and other unofficial sources (sources
that do not officially define Catholic teaching) you might have seen use the
term Catholic Church in the context of who began Sunday observance, it must
be understood that Catholicism believes that Apostles were Catholic.
I still maintain that this entire Saturday Sabbath debate can be answered
very simply: there's no command that the "Sabbath" must be celebrated on a
Saturday!! Very Simple! The original command was "work 6 days and rest on
the 7th...." Nothing about a Saturday.
Saturday was never in the commandment. Saturday was just a day the Jews
used for their purposes.
SDAs and others just want to justify their religion with strawman arguments,
and their purpose in life: to bash Catholics. A hell of a life!
• Damn right.
Stephen Korsman
2006-06-27 16:36:31 UTC
Post by LoneStar
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Catholic Church acknowledges that it was the Apostles who changed the
day. When the newspaper clippings and other unofficial sources (sources
that do not officially define Catholic teaching) you might have seen use the
term Catholic Church in the context of who began Sunday observance, it must
be understood that Catholicism believes that Apostles were Catholic.
I still maintain that this entire Saturday Sabbath debate can be answered
very simply: there's no command that the "Sabbath" must be celebrated on a
Saturday!! Very Simple! The original command was "work 6 days and rest on
the 7th...." Nothing about a Saturday.
Saturday was never in the commandment. Saturday was just a day the Jews
used for their purposes.
SDAs and others just want to justify their religion with strawman arguments,
and their purpose in life: to bash Catholics. A hell of a life!
With Andrew and a lot of other SDAs, their straw men could serve as feed for
countless herds of cattle, and eliminate poverty forever.

Oops ... I forgot ... eating meat is forbidden.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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