The stamp of who?
(too old to reply)
Stephen Korsman
2006-07-14 17:52:21 UTC
Hey WT.....have you ever formerly posted here under the name of
either "Frank Moreau" "Larry Whyte" "Northstar" or "Bargeorgos"?
Answered previously
The relevancy of this question is...??
It's relevant (necessary) in that he needs to discredit the messenger,
because he can't discredit the message. He's done this before in his
tirades against my faith.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Whazit Tooyah
2006-07-15 04:16:18 UTC
Post by Stephen Korsman
Hey WT.....have you ever formerly posted here under the name of
either "Frank Moreau" "Larry Whyte" "Northstar" or "Bargeorgos"?
Answered previously
The relevancy of this question is...??
It's relevant (necessary) in that he needs to discredit the messenger,
because he can't discredit the message. He's done this before in his
tirades against my faith.
I did a Google search of newsgroups using the names Andrew supplied, it made
some interesting reading. There was nothing that I read that could
discredit anyone except maybe Andrew (his posts seem to be unchanging). The
people listed above seemed to argue from much the same viewpoint as I or
you, but that is not unique. It is that the Christian is not under the Law.
This being an Adventist group, the Sabbath was a central point of argument.
It seems that this group (Adventist) used to have several people who were
willing and able to enter into a biblical discussion on matters of doctrine.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another
Post by Stephen Korsman
God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/
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Stephen Korsman
2006-07-15 09:09:25 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Hey WT.....have you ever formerly posted here under the name of
either "Frank Moreau" "Larry Whyte" "Northstar" or "Bargeorgos"?
Answered previously
The relevancy of this question is...??
It's relevant (necessary) in that he needs to discredit the messenger,
because he can't discredit the message. He's done this before in his
tirades against my faith.
I did a Google search of newsgroups using the names Andrew supplied, it made
some interesting reading. There was nothing that I read that could
discredit anyone except maybe Andrew (his posts seem to be unchanging).
Post by Whazit Tooyah
people listed above seemed to argue from much the same viewpoint as I or
you, but that is not unique. It is that the Christian is not under the Law.
That is a subject Andrew refuses to discuss. He claimed that I didn't know
what Catholicism teaches (simply as a diversion so he could avoid the
biblical texts I quoted) and once I showed him he was wrong, he wouldn't
discuss it further.
Post by Whazit Tooyah
This being an Adventist group, the Sabbath was a central point of argument.
It seems that this group (Adventist) used to have several people who were
willing and able to enter into a biblical discussion on matters of doctrine.
I think those are the less extremist Adventists. That's my experience off
the newsgroups.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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Alan Ferris
2006-07-16 12:53:39 UTC
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 19:52:21 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Stephen Korsman
Hey WT.....have you ever formerly posted here under the name of
either "Frank Moreau" "Larry Whyte" "Northstar" or "Bargeorgos"?
Answered previously
The relevancy of this question is...??
It's relevant (necessary) in that he needs to discredit the messenger,
because he can't discredit the message. He's done this before in his
tirades against my faith.
Pot, Kettle, Black.

Alan "Ferrit" Ferris

( (T) )
( ) . ( )
