Satan's DNA Lab'? hahaha
(too old to reply)
Stephen Korsman
2006-07-12 18:03:19 UTC
How is it you would go to the expense of receiving 3ABN, if you are so
disgusted with it? And what are the names of these Adventist scientists
that you are referring to?
Apart from Ellen White, you mean?

Ellen's statements:

But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.

Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.

"We do not believe that the quality or degree of inspiration in the writings
of Ellen White is different from that of Scripture." -

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


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"Adventist Scientists claim Amalgamation is possible through DNA
manipulation in the labs of Satan" quoted off a program on 3abn
Adventist TV.called "Satan's DNA Laboratory"
Oh dear . Think of the shame these men are making. The mockery they
make out of the religion they try to defend.
How they uphold doctrines that consider colored races descendants of
cross mating of humans and animals in some sort of
Scientific Lab of the ancients pre flood.
This is surely not credible science.
Where is the evidence in archaeology for these super DNA Labs ?
The thing with these labs is that they are the result of wishful
thinking rather
than based on any objective evidence. and wishful thinking that upholds
racist doctrines is a likely evil.
- Wofgramm
Your comments about "racist doctrines" shows that you do not know
the history and practice of the SDA Church concerning the subject.
Stephen Korsman
2006-07-13 05:21:05 UTC
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores rank,
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is revealed." --
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the chambers
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no distinction
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be melted away.
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There all
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every mask
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs will catch
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct. 24,
1899 (SM 487)

God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result of
cross-breeding between humans and animals.

The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society. Which is
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear it
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be Adventist-run.

This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree of
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)

Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was taught
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by some of
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her husband
even gave Smith's book a glowing review:

The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions of Mrs.
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading the
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this able
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others despise and
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.

Ellen's statements:

But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.

Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.

Contemoraneous teachings:

...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of Africa,
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.

... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can be found
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]

Uriah Smith's defence:

"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating the deep
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few years after
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain races of
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this work
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever supposed that
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The vision
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this plain
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some men are
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement contained in
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily be
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa, some
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between the
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as they
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can we
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has not
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4

Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of those in
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does that alter
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.

More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm

Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are not taken
seriously by her followers.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
Whazit Tooyah
2006-07-14 03:10:43 UTC
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores rank,
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the chambers
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no distinction
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be melted away.
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There all
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every mask
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs will catch
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct. 24,
1899 (SM 487)
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result of
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society. Which is
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear it
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be Adventist-run.
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree of
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was taught
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by some of
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her husband
The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions of Mrs.
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading the
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this able
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others despise and
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.
Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.
...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of Africa,
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.
... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can be found
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]
"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating the deep
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few years after
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain races of
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this work
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever supposed that
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The vision
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this plain
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some men are
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement contained in
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily be
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa, some
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between the
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as they
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can we
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has not
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4
Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of those in
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does that alter
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.
More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm
Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are not taken
seriously by her followers.
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4 pg.

She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the things
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men and
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal of
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add to
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired by
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another
Stephen Korsman
2006-07-14 05:01:06 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores rank,
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the chambers
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no distinction
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be melted away.
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There all
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every mask
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs will catch
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct. 24,
1899 (SM 487)
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result of
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society. Which is
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear it
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree of
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was taught
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by some of
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her husband
The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions of Mrs.
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading the
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this able
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others despise and
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.
Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.
...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of Africa,
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.
... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can be found
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]
"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating the deep
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few years after
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain races of
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this work
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever supposed that
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The vision
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this plain
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some men are
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement contained in
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily be
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa, some
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between the
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as they
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can we
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has not
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4
Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of those in
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does that alter
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.
More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm
Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are not taken
seriously by her followers.
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4 pg.
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the things
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men and
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal of
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add to
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired by
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
Whazit Tooyah
2006-07-14 13:31:26 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the chambers
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be melted away.
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There all
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs will catch
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct.
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
1899 (SM 487)
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society.
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions of Mrs.
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading the
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this able
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.
Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.
...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.
... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can be found
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]
"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating the deep
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few years after
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever supposed that
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The vision
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some men are
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement contained
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily be
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa,
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as they
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can we
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4
Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of those
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does that alter
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.
More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm
Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are not taken
seriously by her followers.
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are
Post by Whazit Tooyah
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4
Post by Whazit Tooyah
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men
Post by Whazit Tooyah
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add
Post by Whazit Tooyah
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
In part I concur. I believe that her head injury caused what she and others
believed were visions in her younger years. When the epileptic siezures
started fading away and she realized that her of prophits and power was
disappearing, she started making them up. At some point in her "ministry"
her visions became lies. She lied about having a vision and therefore lied
about the contents of the "vision." According to scripture the father of
lies is the devil, cited by Ellen as the second source of her materials.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another
God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/
add an s before .co.za
Stephen Korsman
2006-07-14 17:51:07 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the chambers
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be melted away.
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There all
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs will catch
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct.
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
1899 (SM 487)
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society.
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading the
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this able
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.
But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.
Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.
...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.
... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]
"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The vision
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement contained
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily be
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa,
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as they
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can we
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4
Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of those
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.
More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm
Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are not taken
seriously by her followers.
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are
Post by Whazit Tooyah
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4
Post by Whazit Tooyah
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men
Post by Whazit Tooyah
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add
Post by Whazit Tooyah
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
In part I concur. I believe that her head injury caused what she and others
believed were visions in her younger years. When the epileptic siezures
started fading away and she realized that her of prophits and power was
disappearing, she started making them up. At some point in her "ministry"
her visions became lies. She lied about having a vision and therefore lied
about the contents of the "vision." According to scripture the father of
lies is the devil, cited by Ellen as the second source of her materials.
There we'd agree. Lying is from the devil, but I don't believe that her
visions were devilish inspiration of any sort - they were either lies about
visions that never happened, or hallucinations, but I doubt that she
received real visions from Satan.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
Whazit Tooyah
2006-07-15 06:25:29 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Lessons 386
"The religion of the Bible recognizes no caste or color. It ignores
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
wealth, worldly honor. God estimates men as men. With Him, character
decides their worth. And we are to recognize the Spirit of Christ in
whomsoever it is
2SM 486
"When the Holy Spirit moves upon human minds, all petty complaints
and accusations between man and his fellow man will be put away. The
bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness will shine into the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
of the mind and heart. In our worship of God there will be no
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
between rich and poor, white and black. All prejudice will be
When we approach God, it will be as one brotherhood. We are pilgrims
and strangers, bound for a better country, even a heavenly. There
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
all accusation, all self-deception, will forever have an end. Every
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
be laid aside, and we shall "see him as he is." There our songs
the inspiring theme, and praise and thanksgiving will go up to God."
-- Review and Herald, Oct.
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
1899 (SM 487)
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society.
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
Although modern Adventists try to deny that she taught this, it was
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
by some during her time by others, and the teaching was defended by
her contemporaries, such as Uriah Smith, with her knowledge. Her
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
The Association has just published a pamphlet entitled, "The Visions
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
E.G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures."
It is written by the editor of the Review. While carefully reading
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
manuscript, I felt grateful to God that our people could have this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
defense of those views they so much love and prize, which others
- James White, Review, Aug. 15, 1868.
But if there was one sin above another which called for the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 64.
Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the
confused species which God did not create, which were the result of
amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless
varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.
- Ellen White, Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, p. 75.
...that crosses between men and animals had created a no-man's-land between
man and beast, populated by gorillas, chimpanzees, wild bushmen of
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Patagonians, and Hottentots.
- Gordon Shigley, "Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Mean?", Spectrum, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 13.
... the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
animals of one species with the other.
- Jasher 4:18. [Evidence that Ellen White used this as a source can
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
at http://www.ellenwhite.org/refute7.htm]
"Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as
seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
races of men." This view was given for the purpose of illustrating
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
corruption and crime into which the race fell, even within a few
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the flood that signal manifestation of God's wrath against human wickedness.
There was amalgamation; and the effect is still visible in certain
men." Mark, those excepting the animals upon whom the effects of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
are visible, are called by the vision, "men." Now we have ever
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
anybody that was called a man, was considered a human being. The
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
speaks of all these classes as races of men; yet in the face of this
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
declaration, they foolishly assert that the visions teach that some
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
not human beings! But does any one deny the general statement
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the extract given above? They do not. If they did, they could easily
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
silenced by a reference to such cases as the wild Bushmen of Africa,
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
tribes of the Hottentots, and perhaps the Digger Indians of our own country,
&c. Moreover, naturalists affirm that the line of demarkation between
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
human and animal races is lost in confusion. It is impossible, as
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
affirm, to tell just where the human ends and the animal begins. Can
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
suppose that this was so ordained of God in the beginning? Rather has
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
sin marred the boundaries of these two kingdoms?
- Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White, A Manifestation of Spiritual
gifts According to the Scripture, pp. 103-4
Adventism has offered all sorts of ideas that this could refer to - genetic
engineering (since the flood???), interracial marriage (enough of
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
the Bible) or marriage between godly and ungodly people (how does
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
a race?) - but the evidence is against these excuses.
More on this racist teaching - http://www.ellenwhite.org/critica.htm
Sad. But truly good that these inspired words of Ellen White are
seriously by her followers.
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4
Post by Whazit Tooyah
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men
Post by Whazit Tooyah
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc.
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it,
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
In part I concur. I believe that her head injury caused what she and
Post by Whazit Tooyah
believed were visions in her younger years. When the epileptic siezures
started fading away and she realized that her of prophits and power was
disappearing, she started making them up. At some point in her "ministry"
her visions became lies. She lied about having a vision and therefore lied
about the contents of the "vision." According to scripture the father of
lies is the devil, cited by Ellen as the second source of her materials.
There we'd agree. Lying is from the devil, but I don't believe that her
visions were devilish inspiration of any sort - they were either lies about
visions that never happened, or hallucinations, but I doubt that she
received real visions from Satan.
Maybe not, but the results are sometimes the same. I know one who rejected
Christianity and the Bible because as an Adventist they were taught that EGW
and the Bible were equally inspired. When they examined EGW they found
obvious errors and then rejected both. I also know an Adventists who is
locked in legalism and a belief that their observance of the Law
(particularly the food laws and the Sabbath) is what sets them apart as a
child of God. Mrs. White's doctrine of the investigative judgment also
steals from those who truly are saved, any assurance of salvation.
1 Jn 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of
the Son of God, so that you may **know that you have eternal life.**
Mrs. White takes away the knowledge that John wrote about because any
unconfessed sin, even one that is unremembered, damns one to hell.

By this all men will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another
Susan Williams
2006-07-16 04:48:00 UTC
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 19:51:07 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is
Post by Stephen Korsman
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is
Post by Stephen Korsman
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Lessons 386
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
In part I concur. I believe that her head injury caused what she and
Post by Whazit Tooyah
believed were visions in her younger years. When the epileptic siezures
started fading away and she realized that her of prophits and power was
disappearing, she started making them up. At some point in her "ministry"
her visions became lies. She lied about having a vision and therefore lied
about the contents of the "vision." According to scripture the father of
lies is the devil, cited by Ellen as the second source of her materials.
There we'd agree. Lying is from the devil, but I don't believe that her
visions were devilish inspiration of any sort - they were either lies about
visions that never happened, or hallucinations, but I doubt that she
received real visions from Satan.
God bless,
Alright Mr. Korsman...

Who possessed you to speak in favor of the Iraq War, when Pope John
Paul II spoke against it?

Who possessed you to make tirading posts against the Ten Commandments
in order to attack Seventh-day Adventism, when Rome supports it?

I agree: Lying is of the Devil.

Nothing Ellen White said was an intentional lie. You and the other
servants of the Antichrist, major in that one!

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Stephen Korsman
2006-07-16 10:18:03 UTC
Post by Susan Williams
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 19:51:07 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is
Post by Stephen Korsman
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is
Post by Stephen Korsman
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
Lessons 386
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were
Post by Susan Williams
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
In part I concur. I believe that her head injury caused what she and
Post by Whazit Tooyah
believed were visions in her younger years. When the epileptic siezures
started fading away and she realized that her of prophits and power was
disappearing, she started making them up. At some point in her "ministry"
her visions became lies. She lied about having a vision and therefore lied
about the contents of the "vision." According to scripture the father of
lies is the devil, cited by Ellen as the second source of her materials.
There we'd agree. Lying is from the devil, but I don't believe that her
visions were devilish inspiration of any sort - they were either lies about
visions that never happened, or hallucinations, but I doubt that she
received real visions from Satan.
God bless,
Alright Mr. Korsman...
Who possessed you to speak in favor of the Iraq War, when Pope John
Paul II spoke against it?
Who possessed you to make tirading posts against the Ten Commandments
in order to attack Seventh-day Adventism, when Rome supports it?
I agree: Lying is of the Devil.
Nothing Ellen White said was an intentional lie. You and the other
servants of the Antichrist, major in that one!
No, Andrew, I'm not a liar. I didn't speak in favour of the Iraq war, nor
against the 10 Commandments. They have been done away with, and yes, the
Vatican does support that - I've already provided the evidence.

Maybe Ellen White didn't lie intentionally, but she certainly made a lot of

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
2006-07-16 07:23:02 UTC
Post by Susan Williams
Alright Mr. Korsman...
Who possessed you to speak in favor of the Iraq War, when Pope John
Paul II spoke against it?
The Pope seaks infallibly when formally promulgating dogma on matters of
faith or morals.
When he goes in for international diplomacy he is just another voice.
Someone Catholics should take very seriously, especially given the wide
experience and political contacts of the last Pope, but not someone they are
required to agree with as a condition of being members of the church.
Buy my book 12 Common Atheist Arguments (refuted)
$1.25 download or $7.20 paper, available www.lulu.com/bgy1mm
Susan Williams
2006-07-16 04:42:34 UTC
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:01:06 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men
Post by Whazit Tooyah
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add
Post by Whazit Tooyah
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
God bless,
Jesuit Korzy, what spirit made you speak in favor of the Iraq War when
Pope John Paul II spoke against it?

Just dialoguing here with you people who have no conscience?

What spirit made you attack the Ten Commandments when Rome supports

The bible in the book of Revelation says that all LIARS will never
enter into heaven. That word means those who INTENTIONALLY deceive,
and not those who just made mistakes.

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Stephen Korsman
2006-07-16 10:18:11 UTC
Post by Susan Williams
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:01:06 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Whazit Tooyah
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the
Post by Whazit Tooyah
she wrote that time has proven to be in error. Amalgamation between men
Post by Whazit Tooyah
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add
Post by Whazit Tooyah
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired
Post by Whazit Tooyah
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
Actually, I vote for the 3rd. She wrote that her writings were either from
God or the Devil ... but she left out her head injury.
God bless,
Jesuit Korzy, what spirit made you speak in favor of the Iraq War when
Pope John Paul II spoke against it?
Just dialoguing here with you people who have no conscience?
And many who do, thank goodness.

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
Susan Williams
2006-07-16 04:40:16 UTC
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4 pg.
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the things
she wrote that time has proven to be in error.
Think about a person who still believes all non-Catholics must die as
had been practiced by his inquisitions of ERROR and has the Satanic
GALL to be telling us about errors?

Were the Inquisitions based upon error?
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Amalgamation between men and
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal of
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add to
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired by
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
What are all these in comparison to the multiplied MILLIONS of
biblical Christians who were put to death because they didn't believe
the same as the Antichrist? What kind of cult would have a history
AND PRESENT like that of Korsman and this other fellow, and would go
around telling us about the faults of others? Could it be that cult
Jack Chick told us whose imps are trained not to have a conscience?

Why did Stephen Korsman talk in favor of the Iraq War when the former
pope spoke against it? Why did Stephen Korsman make tirading lying
posts against the Ten Commandments when Rome supports it?

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Monte Cassino
2006-07-16 06:36:13 UTC
On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 23:40:16 -0500, Susan Williams
Post by Susan Williams
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with
Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp
of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of
the Spirit of God, or of the devil. [Testimonies for the Church vol. 4 pg.
She said it, there are no two ways about it. Think about all of the things
she wrote that time has proven to be in error.
Think about a person who still believes all non-Catholics must die as
had been practiced by his inquisitions of ERROR and has the Satanic
GALL to be telling us about errors?
Were the Inquisitions based upon error?
Post by Whazit Tooyah
Amalgamation between men and
animals defacing the image of God; wigs causing low morals and insanity,
masturbation causing a whole host of problems; The Sabbath being the seal of
God while the Bible says that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit; the soon
coming Sunday laws of a hundred years ago that have faded away; etc. Add to
this her well documented plagiarism and her lies about doing it, (called
borrowing in SDA writings.) Were her errors, plagiarism and lies inspired by
God? Think for yourself and decide; she admitted to only two possible
sources for all she wrote.
What are all these in comparison to the multiplied MILLIONS of
biblical Christians who were put to death because they didn't believe
the same as the Antichrist? What kind of cult would have a history
AND PRESENT like that of Korsman and this other fellow, and would go
around telling us about the faults of others? Could it be that cult
Jack Chick told us whose imps are trained not to have a conscience?
Why did Stephen Korsman talk in favor of the Iraq War when the former
pope spoke against it? Why did Stephen Korsman make tirading lying
posts against the Ten Commandments when Rome supports it?
So which is it--Catholic are slavishly blind followers of the Pope, or
they disagree with the Pope on issues like war? Take a stance,

Susan Williams
2006-07-16 04:34:57 UTC
On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:21:05 +0200, "Stephen Korsman"
Post by Stephen Korsman
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized
by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by
creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish
every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple,
that every soul may have free access to God. . In Christ there is neither
Jew nor Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious
blood." -- Christ's Object
Lessons 386
God might not distinguish between races in that sense, but in a genetic
sense, the god of Ellen White believed that some races were the result of
cross-breeding between humans and animals.
The God of Stephen Korsman believed AND STILL BELIEVES that all who do
not see religion their way MUST DIE. Not merely simple even quick
deaths, but using TORTURE: the policy now adopted by Bush.

Those same people look at David Koresh and Jim Jones and come in a
pretense of horror that such cults exist!
Post by Stephen Korsman
The idea that certain races of non-white people are derived from mating
between animals and humans won't go down well in today's society. Which is
one reason why you won't hear it taught from Adventist pulpits, or hear it
preached in the prophecy seminars you later discovery to be Adventist-run.
This was written by Ellen White (no pun intended on her name) - the
Adventist prophetess, whose inspiration is of the same degree as the
inspiration of the Bible ("We do not believe that the quality or degree of
inspiration in the writings of Ellen White is different from that of
Scripture." - http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/scripsda.html)
That idea that all not Catholic must die took place for many
centuries--far longer than the so-called crimes Stephen Korsman wets
his Antichrist pants about.

Gallileo was put under house arrest for believing that the sun goes
around the earth. There are mistakes in all churches, but which one
matches the Inquisitions and the blood shed by Rome?

Why then did people tell us that all non-Catholics must die on the
newsgroups, and Stephen Korsman, who obviously agrees with the motion,
only attacks those who don't like such statements?


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Stephen Korsman
2006-07-14 05:03:45 UTC
How is it you would go to the expense of receiving 3ABN, if you are so
disgusted with it? And what are the names of these Adventist scientists
that you are referring to?
Andrew, 3abn is free online.
and by the way I saw this program.
Why on earth when the majority of Adventists do not believe in
do they tolerate scientists with zero credibility from their own circle
have fringe beliefs defend this racist doctrine?
Why do Adventists tolerate it?
I've searched for it, but can't find it. Do you know of a direct link to
the video (are they archived online?) or text resulting from it?

God bless,
Stephen Korsman
website: http://www.theotokos.co.za/adventism/
blog: http://www.theotokos.co.za/blog/


add an s before .co.za
"Adventist Scientists claim Amalgamation is possible through DNA
manipulation in the labs of Satan" quoted off a program on 3abn
Adventist TV.called "Satan's DNA Laboratory"
Oh dear . Think of the shame these men are making. The mockery they
make out of the religion they try to defend.
How they uphold doctrines that consider colored races descendants of
cross mating of humans and animals in some sort of
Scientific Lab of the ancients pre flood.
This is surely not credible science.
Where is the evidence in archaeology for these super DNA Labs ?
The thing with these labs is that they are the result of wishful
than based on any objective evidence. and wishful thinking that upholds
racist doctrines is a likely evil.
- Wofgramm
Your comments about "racist doctrines" shows that you do not know
the history and practice of the SDA Church concerning the subject.