Dolf Boek
2006-07-28 23:19:16 UTC
It is important to differentiate Seventh-day Adventist institutional
religious belief as claims to prophecy and their past recanted support of
Fascist ideology from the Biblical worldviews of the cosmology and cosmogony
as chronological and mathematical natural and common law worldview.
According to traditional Seventh-day Adventist interpretations of this
day-year principle, "the 70 weeks (or 490 prophetic days) represent 490
literal years. Daniel declares that this period should start with the
Jerusalem's restoration and edification order [Daniel 9:25]. This decree,
which gave complete autonomy to the Jews, came out in the seventh year of
the king Artaxerxes, and started to be in effect in Autumn 457 BC [Esdras
7:8, 12-26, 9:9]. According to the prophecy, 483 years (69 prophetic weeks)
after the decree should come the "Messiah, the Prince". 483 years after 457
BC, leads us to the 27 AD Autumn years, when Jesus was baptized and started
His public ministry." [Angelo 02:10 hrs 28 July 2006]
The essential premise of 'this decree, which manifested complete autonomy to
the Jews' is that a Natural and Common law jurisprudent interpretation which
resulted in exodus from Egypt and the receiving of the Torah in the
timeframe 50J, also has a proximity (72J = 12 x 6J) to the Natural and
Common Law chronological premise as 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2425 x 293
years - Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 / 21 March = 1 Nisan 5756
intrinsic to the Discriminating Norm (ie. Human Nature as Objective &
Logical Grounding of Infinity). The Biblical narrative clearly conveys that
they "built and finished the Temple, according to the Commandment of the God
of Israel, according to the command of Cyrus {as miserable; as heir}, Darius
{he that informs himself} and Artaxerxes {the silence of light; fervent to
spoil} King of Persia {that cuts or divides; a nail; a gryphon; a
horseman}." [Ezra 6:14] and that they "assigned the Priests to their
Divisions and the Levites to their Divisions, over the Service of God in
Jerusalem, as it is written in the Book of Moses:" [Ezra 6:18; Luke 1:5-9]
And therefore in accordance with the chronological and mathematical
worldview of the cosmology and cosmogony as Genesis proposed by the Bible as
Telos ('achariyth) = Arch (re'shiyth) + c² such that :
22/7 as 3W1D ...
[7 Days x 24 Priestly Divisions x 13 Service Divisions = 2184 days of the
'oth cycle = 6D or 6 x 364 associated to the 'constant sequence of sun and
moon' as 354 x 3 + 30 day intercalation = 1092 days x 2 = 2184 days
x 49 = 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2425 x 293 years - Vernal Equinox
Wednesday 20 March 1996 / 21 March = 1 Nisan 5756]
... 6,000 as 122J3W1D + 9(9²+1)/2 as #369 with Septet #41 centric on 13-17
September 2001 / Tuesday 18 September = 1 Tishri 5762 (10 days culminating
in Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement)
12th September as 1st day of 7th Solar Month of a 364 day calendar
… Jubilee & Torah @ Sinai [50J] + 12 x 6J {‘oth as 294 years} = 1977 CE + 19
years {lunar metonic cycle} = Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 CE /
(Thursday 1 Nisan 5756) + (364 days * 5 years) + 187 days = Sunday 16th
September 2001 CE …
“On the 1st day [ie. Sunday 16th September 2001?] of the [21st Priestly
Service] course of Jachin [ie. he that strengthens and makes steadfast] on
the 29th day of lunar month [Elul 5761], on the 5th day of the 7th solar
month [ie. (30+30+31) + (30+30+31) + 5 = 187th day of 364 days chronology
cycle such that the Vernal Equinox after 20 March + 187 days = 23rd
September as Equinox.
Vernal Equinox on Wednesday 20 March 1996 (Thursday 1 Nisan 5756) + (364
days * 5 years) + 187 days = Sunday 16th September 2001 CE].” [cf: 4Q321 /
4QCalendrical Dead Sea Scroll Fragment]},
As the Biblical 'daily' associated to the ephemeral and mundane activity of
the Temple Priests Torah {ie. written in the Book of Moses & whether this is
associated to the Book of Jubilees as 'Book of Time Divisions by Jubilees &
Weeks' cf: The Damascus Document Geniza A16:1-6} chronology equates to 364
days of the liturgical year, the Seventh-day Adventist chronological
prophetic timelines will have to make a further concession that each 294
year elapse of this regime as 364 day chronology is equated to 293 solar
years comprising 365.2425 days. Therefore the 490 literal years of the
traditional Seventh-day Adventist assumption will be approximately 1 solar
year and 245 days shorter than the 490 as the prophetic weeks/days given.
If for example the Vernal Equinox of Wednesday 20 March 1996 represents the
commencing point of this cosmological worldview, then typically the
DATE(1996, 3, 20) + YEARS(1) + DAYS(245) equates to approximately 20
November as the '#58 - Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change' GRAPPLE
Homoiotic Noumenon conceptual zone:
20 November as [#55, #22, #58 * Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change,
#27 - Paradoxes of the Greatest Skill/ The Function of Skill, #27, #21, #8,
#29, #74]
#8 - Worth of Water/ Easy By Nature
#48 - Forgetting/ Forgetting Knowledge
#58 * Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change
#78 - Recognizing Fidelity/ Trust in Faith
#11 - Value of Non-Existence/ Function of the Non-Existent
#71 - Know-How as a Disease/ Disease of Knowledge
#13 - Status/ Loathing Shame
#28 - Opposites and Primitivism/ Returning to Simplicity
#49 - Sage's Constancy/ Trust in Virtue
Latin: Expetendus {God, rescuing Father}
Alt: Chohvyal {Breathe the Woe of God}] { 1. HELPS PRESERVE CONJUGAL
Nous Entry: #58
Tao: Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change
I-Ching Hex: H43 - Resolution
Tetragram: #29 - Decisiveness
Torah Angel: #20, #5, #400 % 81 = #20
Time: 15:40:00 (24 hours)
Date: 18/11/XXXX to 22/11/XXXX
Shealtiel - asked or lent of God; Mihael #40, #10, #5 = #55 Isopsephy: Lethe
- A forgetting; Magia - Magic, of persons skilled in magic; Biblia - Books /
vMeme Object Probability Function {Nature amended in its Nature}(
{Nature contains Nature}(
{Nature surmounts Nature}(
{Form of Nature}
) // Plane Three: vRed (#6)
On Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement (10th Trishi 5762) as the highpoint of the
Temple Priests ephemeral and mundane natural law and common law activity,
this Seventh-day Adventist evangelist proposes: "The judge's function is to
judge. And when he judges, a verdict is reached. Some times condemnations.
You're trying to mix in the same concept 'judge' with some other concepts.
If I see a brother doing a wrong thing, the fact that I classify it a wrong
thing is judging? No. But if I say 'you don't deserve salvation for that',
that's judging, you're giving a verdict. Now, having this clear, it's
obvious I don't judge anyone, while you [Dolf] are the first to point the
finger and send all to doom." [Angelo 22:02 hrs 27 September 2001]
Betwixt and between the time the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights
Commission on 26 April 2001 dismissed the originating compliant concerning
'a refusal of membership renewal' citing grounds that the "Church has
submitted that your position on homosexuality will divert members from the
purpose and goal of the church" and a 26 April 2006 letter from the General
Secretary, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Victorian Conference) Limited,
confirming the earlier edict: “Like all citizens and churches, the
Seventh-day Adventist Church is bound by the laws of Victoria and Australia,
which include the Equal Opportunity Act 1995. The church has no further
comment to make on the matter of your earlier complaint to the Equal
Opportunity Commission of Victoria, other than to note that the complaint
was dismissed. The church will defend any legal proceedings brought against
it in relation to these matters.”
Seventh-day Adventist church leaders in Germany and Austria had, according
to Adventist Review reporting of 21 September 2005, noting the sixtieth
anniversary of the end of World War II, released a declaration saying they
"deeply regret" any participation in or support of Nazi activities during
the war--as the subscribing by ecclesiastical oath "Before God and on the
Holy Gospels I swear and promise to honor and endeavour to avoid all
detrimental acts which might endanger it" to the hymeneal values proscribing
marriage and sexual conduct for citizens as ideology promulgated by the
German Reich.
The church bodies "honestly confess" a failure "in following our Lord" by
not protecting Jews, and others, from that era's genocide, widely known as
the Holocaust. Millions of people perished from war atrocities, including
more than 6 million Jews who were exterminated in Nazi persecutions during
the 12-year period of 1933 to 1945. Church leaders also expressed regret
that "our peoples became associated with racial fanaticism destroying the
lives and freedom of 6 million Jews and representatives of minorities in all
of Europe" and "that many Seventh-day Adventists did not share the need and
suffering of their Jewish fellow-citizens." A paramount regret, the
statement indicated, was that German and Austrian Adventist congregations
"excluded, separated and left [church members who were] . . . of Jewish
origin to themselves so that they were delivered to imprisonment, exile or
Evidently it is consistent with the purpose and goal of the church, to
'honestly confess a failure in following the Lord' with respect to the
Hymeneal (Marriage) and Natural Law claim articulated by the 4 Nuremberg
Laws introduced from 15 September 1935 as the basis for Natural Law's rule
of conduct against the Natural law and Common Law sovereign and autonomous
right of the Jews--And similarly of homosexuality, which was politically
viewed as not only detrimental to natural population growth, but harmful to
the nation's strength and family life, being denounced by a Political Party
Purge in 30 June 1934.
From these actions, the view can be formed that the marriage and sexuality
impetus as Natural Law Categorical Imperative conveyed by the German Reich's
Nuremberg Laws, is altogether different to the Natural and Common Law as
autonomous and sovereign rights of the Jews being expressed by a
chronological and mathematical worldview as the cosmology and cosmogony
proposed by the Bible. And this is consistent to Immanuel Kant's (1724-1804
CE) view of the act of marriage by which: "a human being makes himself into
a thing, which conflicts with the right of humanity in his own person".
If such a Natural and Common Law chronological/mathematical paradigm can
also be given for our understanding of the Letters Patent to the Australian
Constitution of 1901 as the equivalent of Immanuel Kant’s Categorical
Imperative and from which is derived our individual 'right of humanity in
their own person' as the sense of duty to those autonomous and sovereign
principles as the very fabric of our Constitution as paragraph 8 suggests:
"All other the inhabitants of Our said Commonwealth to be obedient, aiding,
and assisting unto Our said Governor General"--it is very clear the
Seventh-day Adventist Church is still, on the basis of hymenealism and a
singular lack of remaining integrity as consistency with the Scriptures'
Natural Law and Common Law cosmology, are continuing to advocate Fascism and
section 75(2)(b) of the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 which ‘allows the Church
to discriminate against a person where it is necessary to avoid injury to
the religious sensitivities of the people of the religion’--cannot be said
to apply in the circumstance.
Evidently this statement made by Diane Sisley as Chief Executive of Equal
Opportunity Commission of Victoria is false: "The Church has submitted that
your position on homosexuality will divert members from the purpose and goal
of the church. It would appear that section 75(2)(b) applies.” As this
Church subsequently expressed a 'deep regret' and 'honestly confess a
failure in following the Lord' with respect to subscribing to alternate
Hymeneal (Marriage) and Natural Law values articulated by the 4 Nuremberg
Laws in violation of the "right of humanity in their own person"--applies
only to sometimes Jews and not at all to homosexuals in violation of their
Natural Law, Common Law and Constitutional Rights.
religious belief as claims to prophecy and their past recanted support of
Fascist ideology from the Biblical worldviews of the cosmology and cosmogony
as chronological and mathematical natural and common law worldview.
According to traditional Seventh-day Adventist interpretations of this
day-year principle, "the 70 weeks (or 490 prophetic days) represent 490
literal years. Daniel declares that this period should start with the
Jerusalem's restoration and edification order [Daniel 9:25]. This decree,
which gave complete autonomy to the Jews, came out in the seventh year of
the king Artaxerxes, and started to be in effect in Autumn 457 BC [Esdras
7:8, 12-26, 9:9]. According to the prophecy, 483 years (69 prophetic weeks)
after the decree should come the "Messiah, the Prince". 483 years after 457
BC, leads us to the 27 AD Autumn years, when Jesus was baptized and started
His public ministry." [Angelo 02:10 hrs 28 July 2006]
The essential premise of 'this decree, which manifested complete autonomy to
the Jews' is that a Natural and Common law jurisprudent interpretation which
resulted in exodus from Egypt and the receiving of the Torah in the
timeframe 50J, also has a proximity (72J = 12 x 6J) to the Natural and
Common Law chronological premise as 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2425 x 293
years - Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 / 21 March = 1 Nisan 5756
intrinsic to the Discriminating Norm (ie. Human Nature as Objective &
Logical Grounding of Infinity). The Biblical narrative clearly conveys that
they "built and finished the Temple, according to the Commandment of the God
of Israel, according to the command of Cyrus {as miserable; as heir}, Darius
{he that informs himself} and Artaxerxes {the silence of light; fervent to
spoil} King of Persia {that cuts or divides; a nail; a gryphon; a
horseman}." [Ezra 6:14] and that they "assigned the Priests to their
Divisions and the Levites to their Divisions, over the Service of God in
Jerusalem, as it is written in the Book of Moses:" [Ezra 6:18; Luke 1:5-9]
And therefore in accordance with the chronological and mathematical
worldview of the cosmology and cosmogony as Genesis proposed by the Bible as
Telos ('achariyth) = Arch (re'shiyth) + c² such that :
22/7 as 3W1D ...
[7 Days x 24 Priestly Divisions x 13 Service Divisions = 2184 days of the
'oth cycle = 6D or 6 x 364 associated to the 'constant sequence of sun and
moon' as 354 x 3 + 30 day intercalation = 1092 days x 2 = 2184 days
x 49 = 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2425 x 293 years - Vernal Equinox
Wednesday 20 March 1996 / 21 March = 1 Nisan 5756]
... 6,000 as 122J3W1D + 9(9²+1)/2 as #369 with Septet #41 centric on 13-17
September 2001 / Tuesday 18 September = 1 Tishri 5762 (10 days culminating
in Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement)
12th September as 1st day of 7th Solar Month of a 364 day calendar
… Jubilee & Torah @ Sinai [50J] + 12 x 6J {‘oth as 294 years} = 1977 CE + 19
years {lunar metonic cycle} = Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 CE /
(Thursday 1 Nisan 5756) + (364 days * 5 years) + 187 days = Sunday 16th
September 2001 CE …
“On the 1st day [ie. Sunday 16th September 2001?] of the [21st Priestly
Service] course of Jachin [ie. he that strengthens and makes steadfast] on
the 29th day of lunar month [Elul 5761], on the 5th day of the 7th solar
month [ie. (30+30+31) + (30+30+31) + 5 = 187th day of 364 days chronology
cycle such that the Vernal Equinox after 20 March + 187 days = 23rd
September as Equinox.
Vernal Equinox on Wednesday 20 March 1996 (Thursday 1 Nisan 5756) + (364
days * 5 years) + 187 days = Sunday 16th September 2001 CE].” [cf: 4Q321 /
4QCalendrical Dead Sea Scroll Fragment]},
As the Biblical 'daily' associated to the ephemeral and mundane activity of
the Temple Priests Torah {ie. written in the Book of Moses & whether this is
associated to the Book of Jubilees as 'Book of Time Divisions by Jubilees &
Weeks' cf: The Damascus Document Geniza A16:1-6} chronology equates to 364
days of the liturgical year, the Seventh-day Adventist chronological
prophetic timelines will have to make a further concession that each 294
year elapse of this regime as 364 day chronology is equated to 293 solar
years comprising 365.2425 days. Therefore the 490 literal years of the
traditional Seventh-day Adventist assumption will be approximately 1 solar
year and 245 days shorter than the 490 as the prophetic weeks/days given.
If for example the Vernal Equinox of Wednesday 20 March 1996 represents the
commencing point of this cosmological worldview, then typically the
DATE(1996, 3, 20) + YEARS(1) + DAYS(245) equates to approximately 20
November as the '#58 - Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change' GRAPPLE
Homoiotic Noumenon conceptual zone:
20 November as [#55, #22, #58 * Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change,
#27 - Paradoxes of the Greatest Skill/ The Function of Skill, #27, #21, #8,
#29, #74]
#8 - Worth of Water/ Easy By Nature
#48 - Forgetting/ Forgetting Knowledge
#58 * Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change
#78 - Recognizing Fidelity/ Trust in Faith
#11 - Value of Non-Existence/ Function of the Non-Existent
#71 - Know-How as a Disease/ Disease of Knowledge
#13 - Status/ Loathing Shame
#28 - Opposites and Primitivism/ Returning to Simplicity
#49 - Sage's Constancy/ Trust in Virtue
Latin: Expetendus {God, rescuing Father}
Alt: Chohvyal {Breathe the Woe of God}] { 1. HELPS PRESERVE CONJUGAL
Nous Entry: #58
Tao: Political Reversal/ Adaptation to Change
I-Ching Hex: H43 - Resolution
Tetragram: #29 - Decisiveness
Torah Angel: #20, #5, #400 % 81 = #20
Time: 15:40:00 (24 hours)
Date: 18/11/XXXX to 22/11/XXXX
Shealtiel - asked or lent of God; Mihael #40, #10, #5 = #55 Isopsephy: Lethe
- A forgetting; Magia - Magic, of persons skilled in magic; Biblia - Books /
vMeme Object Probability Function {Nature amended in its Nature}(
{Nature contains Nature}(
{Nature surmounts Nature}(
{Form of Nature}
) // Plane Three: vRed (#6)
On Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement (10th Trishi 5762) as the highpoint of the
Temple Priests ephemeral and mundane natural law and common law activity,
this Seventh-day Adventist evangelist proposes: "The judge's function is to
judge. And when he judges, a verdict is reached. Some times condemnations.
You're trying to mix in the same concept 'judge' with some other concepts.
If I see a brother doing a wrong thing, the fact that I classify it a wrong
thing is judging? No. But if I say 'you don't deserve salvation for that',
that's judging, you're giving a verdict. Now, having this clear, it's
obvious I don't judge anyone, while you [Dolf] are the first to point the
finger and send all to doom." [Angelo 22:02 hrs 27 September 2001]
Betwixt and between the time the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights
Commission on 26 April 2001 dismissed the originating compliant concerning
'a refusal of membership renewal' citing grounds that the "Church has
submitted that your position on homosexuality will divert members from the
purpose and goal of the church" and a 26 April 2006 letter from the General
Secretary, Seventh-day Adventist Church (Victorian Conference) Limited,
confirming the earlier edict: “Like all citizens and churches, the
Seventh-day Adventist Church is bound by the laws of Victoria and Australia,
which include the Equal Opportunity Act 1995. The church has no further
comment to make on the matter of your earlier complaint to the Equal
Opportunity Commission of Victoria, other than to note that the complaint
was dismissed. The church will defend any legal proceedings brought against
it in relation to these matters.”
Seventh-day Adventist church leaders in Germany and Austria had, according
to Adventist Review reporting of 21 September 2005, noting the sixtieth
anniversary of the end of World War II, released a declaration saying they
"deeply regret" any participation in or support of Nazi activities during
the war--as the subscribing by ecclesiastical oath "Before God and on the
Holy Gospels I swear and promise to honor and endeavour to avoid all
detrimental acts which might endanger it" to the hymeneal values proscribing
marriage and sexual conduct for citizens as ideology promulgated by the
German Reich.
The church bodies "honestly confess" a failure "in following our Lord" by
not protecting Jews, and others, from that era's genocide, widely known as
the Holocaust. Millions of people perished from war atrocities, including
more than 6 million Jews who were exterminated in Nazi persecutions during
the 12-year period of 1933 to 1945. Church leaders also expressed regret
that "our peoples became associated with racial fanaticism destroying the
lives and freedom of 6 million Jews and representatives of minorities in all
of Europe" and "that many Seventh-day Adventists did not share the need and
suffering of their Jewish fellow-citizens." A paramount regret, the
statement indicated, was that German and Austrian Adventist congregations
"excluded, separated and left [church members who were] . . . of Jewish
origin to themselves so that they were delivered to imprisonment, exile or
Evidently it is consistent with the purpose and goal of the church, to
'honestly confess a failure in following the Lord' with respect to the
Hymeneal (Marriage) and Natural Law claim articulated by the 4 Nuremberg
Laws introduced from 15 September 1935 as the basis for Natural Law's rule
of conduct against the Natural law and Common Law sovereign and autonomous
right of the Jews--And similarly of homosexuality, which was politically
viewed as not only detrimental to natural population growth, but harmful to
the nation's strength and family life, being denounced by a Political Party
Purge in 30 June 1934.
From these actions, the view can be formed that the marriage and sexuality
impetus as Natural Law Categorical Imperative conveyed by the German Reich's
Nuremberg Laws, is altogether different to the Natural and Common Law as
autonomous and sovereign rights of the Jews being expressed by a
chronological and mathematical worldview as the cosmology and cosmogony
proposed by the Bible. And this is consistent to Immanuel Kant's (1724-1804
CE) view of the act of marriage by which: "a human being makes himself into
a thing, which conflicts with the right of humanity in his own person".
If such a Natural and Common Law chronological/mathematical paradigm can
also be given for our understanding of the Letters Patent to the Australian
Constitution of 1901 as the equivalent of Immanuel Kant’s Categorical
Imperative and from which is derived our individual 'right of humanity in
their own person' as the sense of duty to those autonomous and sovereign
principles as the very fabric of our Constitution as paragraph 8 suggests:
"All other the inhabitants of Our said Commonwealth to be obedient, aiding,
and assisting unto Our said Governor General"--it is very clear the
Seventh-day Adventist Church is still, on the basis of hymenealism and a
singular lack of remaining integrity as consistency with the Scriptures'
Natural Law and Common Law cosmology, are continuing to advocate Fascism and
section 75(2)(b) of the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 which ‘allows the Church
to discriminate against a person where it is necessary to avoid injury to
the religious sensitivities of the people of the religion’--cannot be said
to apply in the circumstance.
Evidently this statement made by Diane Sisley as Chief Executive of Equal
Opportunity Commission of Victoria is false: "The Church has submitted that
your position on homosexuality will divert members from the purpose and goal
of the church. It would appear that section 75(2)(b) applies.” As this
Church subsequently expressed a 'deep regret' and 'honestly confess a
failure in following the Lord' with respect to subscribing to alternate
Hymeneal (Marriage) and Natural Law values articulated by the 4 Nuremberg
Laws in violation of the "right of humanity in their own person"--applies
only to sometimes Jews and not at all to homosexuals in violation of their
Natural Law, Common Law and Constitutional Rights.
- dolf
- <>
- dolf
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